Monday, October 19, 2009


people used to say, "never change, i think u're perfect just the way you are." whenever we signed like yearbooks and autograph books back in malaysia when we graduated.

I'm sure that's wrong. Cause people DO change. it's natural. and if they change and they're still not perfect and it doesn't sit well with you, then maybe u weren't that great a friend at all.

change; inevitable and integral.

and so is my project management report!


admin said...

People who say and believe that, tend to cheat on their "ends-up-you-are-not-so-significant-to-them" other during this period or later in their life.

Who can go against time?

Unknown said...

luckily it is inevitable, huh - otherwise, it'd be monkey butt forever!

damn handsome cannot then!

*ducks from scrunched up drafts of project management report. or whole laptop. if there's anything written in the first place! (ducks lower)*