Saturday, September 26, 2009


We all know someone like him.


She hated the way he strut.

She hated the way he acted like he was hot shit.

She hated the way he always had a disgusting air of self-importance around him.

She just found him revolting.


He thought she was the most beautiful of them all.

He thought she was the most intelligent girl he had ever met.

He thought she was the most charming girl he knew.

He thought she was the shit.


He decided to finally approach her one day.

Making his way to her across the room, he had to toss aside a few other girls fawning over him, vying for his attention.

But his attention belonged to her alone.


She felt him coming, and her stomach started to turn.

She begged God, deliver me from your sickening creature.

She watched in mortification as he made his way across the room, shoving aside several girls who were in his way.

Finally he reached her, and said, "Would you like to dance?"

She breathed a sigh of relief. Can't be that bad.


Perplexed and taken aback, the man gasped at this change in his perfect plan. "I... I'm sorry what was that?"

She smiled slightly before repeating, "No."

Aware of the attention that was now turning to this little incident, he began blushing and repeated, "Dance with me."

With the tables turned, she answered, "Give me one good reason."

The man in love with himself thought for abit before replying, "Simply because I am the quintessential man."

Growing impatient, he grabbed her hand and tried to pull her to the dance floor.

She wrestled free, and slapped him in the face with such force he fell over.

"Quintessence THAT asshole."

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